On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 1:52 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew@apache.org> wrote:
So the questions are, I think:

1) what does 'active' mean?
* total activity 
* or recent activity 

Having [1] in mind, I *think* the three most recent active variants makes sense 

2) what number do we provide for that variant:
a) number of receivers/active tokens that received the last Push message
b) total number of all receivers, in history 
c) number of total push messages, per variant

Here, I *think* that b) does not make sense, having [1] in mind. I think presenting a) or c) as the number on that "three recent active" variants is a nice info.

Ok , but imagine this we have 4 variants, A,B,C,D.
They all sent the same messages within the same hour , starting with :
 A sends 5000 messages
 B  sends 100 messages
 C sends 15 messages
D sends 50 messages

The top 3 recent active are B,C and D , it's a bit a pita A do not show up, since it was really the more active.
Shall we define active within a period (24 hours ? ) ?



[1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AGPUSH-673

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 6:37 PM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc@gmail.com> wrote:
I decided to start a new thread after some discussions we had on a previous thread[1]

Basically, we are talking about this part of the dashboard : 

screenshot-1.png - Latest 25/Jul/14 8:20 AM - Sebastien Blanc

It appeared that is not really clear what we want to show there, as a side note, the current query behind this is not correct and should change whatever we decide.

So, what can we show here :

1.  Show the most (three) recent active variants (and their # of receivers) 
Active means here, the 3 latest variants that sent a Push Message.
The term "receivers" can also be confusing , do we want to show :

1.a : The number of receivers/active tokens that received the last Push message (i.e : Push Message A sent to 10 people and Push Message B to 5 people, we show 5) ?
1.b : The total number of receivers/actives tokens  of this variant (i.e : Push Message A sent to 10 people and Push Message B to 5 people, we show 15) ? 
1.c : The total number of Push Messages sent (i.e : Push Message A sent to 10 people and Push Message B to 5 people, we show 2). ? 

2. Show the most active variants (and their # of receivers)
Almost same than 1. but here we look at all the variants even those without an recent activity.
Here again 1.a/1.b or 1.c applies.

The core question, IMO, is what would be an useful information for the user ?


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Matthias Wessendorf

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