
all of these items could be all done in one GSOC project. Perhaps, to have something more "fancy", the project aims to offer "WebPush support for mobile cloud services on IoT devices".
Needed deliverables:
* UPS support for WebPush
* Java client of the WebPush wireprotocol, that can be wrapped in the mentioned vert.x module
* demo app of showing the WebPush standard on IoT devices, with mobile cloud services (like UPS)

IMO this would make a nice project. It even may be also the case that some "WebPush codec" code could be contributed back to Netty project, if needed.


On Monday, March 30, 2015, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc@gmail.com> wrote:
I see 2 or 3 differents topics that could be articulated around WebPush : 

- Add WebPush support to the UnifiedPush Server 
- Create a lightweight Java WebPush Client (think of embedded device)
- Create a vert.x mod that implements the WebPush protocol. 


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 3:06 PM, Idel Pivnitskiy <idel.pivnitskiy@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I participated in GSoC 2014 with Twitter and worked on Netty last year. Unfortunately, this year Google does not accept Twitter as a mentoring organization. So I'm trying to find a new organization and a new project for this summer.

I know that time for student applications is over, but I have one opened proposal for JBoss Community. I found WebPush Server at the last day of student applications' deadline. I'm really interested in it and I want to change my proposal and work on WebPush Server!

WebPush Server is a new project which should have many tasks and plan to use new features of Netty 5 (HTTP/2) and Java 8. All of these are very interesting for me. Also I have 2 years experience of server-side development of other services (mobile API, administrative panels, etc.) on Jetty, WildFly and JBoss AS7. So I will be able to work on any part of WebPush Server and not only on server-netty subproject.

I began to get acquainted with the WebPush Server code base, WebPush Protocol and Push API last weekend. Also I I've used AeroGear UnifiedPush Server in one of my projects on my work. And it's perfect! AeroGear is easy to configure and push notifications. Thanks to all for this work!

Could you, please, help me to find a project idea for my new proposal for WebPush Server?

Best regards,
Idel Pivnitskiy

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