Hin Andres!

Wow! awesome - I love it! Where can I sign? :-)

I watched the excelent video and here are a few coments on the new UI


After "Mobile device: Setup variant", when clicking  "Continue", it brings us to the "test push" UI.

Note - for that it is mandatory that the previous step was really executed: meaning the app needs to be launched on a (test) device - otherwise nothing to send the "test push" to :-)
Perhaps we should bake that SKIP option a bit into the TEXT - so that it is obvious

"Applications overview"

wow -> that looks great :) Glad the navigation bar is gone - you are right -> way better. I also like the dashboard location.

"App and its Variants overview"
-> with no installations: not sure we do always, in that case, immediately show the source code. But I can be wrong
-> with installations: let's integrate pagination. e.g. 10 per page! the table looks fantastic

"Sender API"
We do have more than Java. also Node.js; I think we could use some sort of TAB for the actual platform (similar to the client code)

I do really like the INFO _above_ the code. All info in one place - good stuff

"Send Notification to App" I like the popup/dialog, including the disabled button when there are no devices. Sweet!

Skip Wizzard -> nice, overview with the blank screens

Again, awesome work - I am really looking to get this implemented 

On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 5:55 PM, Andres Galante <agalante@redhat.com> wrote:

I've been working on UPS console redesign for the last couple of weeks and I am finally able to share it with you :)

Here is a screencast walk through:

And here is the prototype for you to click around:

There are a bunch of details to take care about, specially on step 2 of the wizard, we need to make it goes as smooth as possible.

Please take a close look and try to find holes in the interaction. Let me know what you think.

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Matthias Wessendorf

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