
nice seeing you here :-) 

On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 3:37 PM, Marc Sluiter <> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm a Java and Android developer from Germany, Münster area. Matze pointed me to
the aerogear-android framework and unified push, so I was curious and wanted to
give it a try.
Until it worked I had some little issues, which I want to share, maybe it helps
to improve documentation, and I was not sure if I should just start a pull
request about it...

I started with forking and cloning aerogear-android,
aerogear-unified-push-server and PushEEDemo to my local development environment.

For aerogear-android I followed the instructions on github and on
Worked nice, I even didn't have to uncomment the extra modules for the
maven-android-sdk-deployer, after updating all libs in the Android SDK Manager
it just worked.
The problem with "Could not find tool 'aapt'" was solved by updating the
android-maven-plugin to version 3.6, so also no need to create a link to it. But
then it was missing the platform version, so my pom looks like this now:


I also had to increase the version number of the support lib:


Finally I had to add 2 lines in proguard.cfg in order to let maven build


The aerogear-unified-push-server did run out of the box. But when I followed the
instructions on, I always
got something like "Authorization failed" when trying to register a push
application. I found on the github page that I have to login and use cookies
with the curl requests, with that it worked.
But then I got auth errors when the PushEEDemo app tried to register on the
unified push server. Finally I got the hint from Matze to use the
"quickstart-base" branch of the server, which skips authorization. With that I
successfully sent a notification to my Nexus 4 :) Maybe it would useful to point
to that branch in the docs.

right - there are PRs for doc updates already :)

Adding auth/http basic to AGDroid is also our radar:


Last but not least I wanted to test it on an older device with Android 2.3.7.,
for that I had to change the manifest of the PushEEDemo app. I already started a
pull request about it (since it does not seem to be an official aerogear repo ;)
): With that changes it worked, too.

When I have some time, I will have a look into the other features of Aerogear
too, interesting project :)

thanks for the detailed analysis. Next beer (@JUG_MS) is on me!


Thx for reading this far & greetings,


aerogear-dev mailing list

Matthias Wessendorf
