More like an import...
I think just create a repo in AG GH and give me access rights. After that, it is just pushing to a new remote for me :)
We can discard our own repos (@matskiv and I) and fork again from the AG repo.
We pull templates from global.json file and feed them to a build farm to make sure they're built nicely.
BTW, after a short talk with @matskiv, we think perhaps we can create a separate repo for testing FeedHenry templates. Although those templates are open sourced, it might be better to just test features in the pure community testing suite, not templates.
This would mean 3 testing suites in separate repositories:
1. BF feature testing suite (%100 pure community version)
2. FeedHenry open source templates testing suite
3. Red Hat productized templates testing suite
These of course will extend from a base (we'll use suite#1 as the base) and will have very minimal changes to maintain.
Wdyt AeroGear devs?