I've updated the demo and think I've included all the requests. 
* Pre-populate the database upon deployment of demo.
* Use 'offset/limit' instead of 'page/perPage'.
* Use 'AG-' prefix for headers.

Let me know if you are missing anything, or would like something done in a different way.

Use case

The example is using /cars as the resource to interact with.

The following route has been added to the demo:

      .to(Cars.class).get(param("offset", "0"), param("limit", "-1"));

From this we can see that there are two optional parameters, offset and limit. If these are not specified all cars will be returned.

Getting a page of Cars

curl -i --header "Accept: application/json" "http://controllerdemo-danbev.rhcloud.com/aerogear-controller-demo/cars?offset=0&limit=4"

The request will return:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 160
AG-Paging-Offset: 0
AG-Paging-Limit: 4
AG-Paging-Total: 4
AG-Links-Next: cars?offset=1&limit=4
AG-Links-Last: cars?offset=3&limit=4

Getting the next page of Cars

To get the next page you can follow the next link:

curl -i --header "Accept: application/json" "http://controllerdemo-danbev.rhcloud.com/aerogear-controller-demo/cars?offset=1&limit=4"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 166
AG-Paging-Offset: 1
AG-Paging-Limit: 4
AG-Paging-Total: 4
AG-Links-First: cars?offset=0&limit=4
AG-Links-Previous: cars?offset=0&limit=4
AG-Links-Next: cars?offset=2&limit=4
AG-Links-Last: cars?offset=3&limit=4

Get all Cars

curl -i --header "Accept: application/json" "http://controllerdemo-danbev.rhcloud.com/aerogear-controller-demo/cars"

This request will return:


Get a single Car

curl -i --header "Accept: application/json" "http://controllerdemo-danbev.rhcloud.com/aerogear-controller-demo/cars/1"

The request will return:


On 12 January 2013 11:08, Daniel Bevenius <daniel.bevenius@gmail.com> wrote:
Great, lets go with 'AG-' prefix then. 

On 11 January 2013 18:24, Douglas Campos <qmx@qmx.me> wrote:

On 11/01/2013, at 15:10, Kris Borchers <kris@redhat.com> wrote:
> I guess what I meant is I'm not specifically +1 for X- prefix but just some sort of prefix in general. It just makes it easier for devs when looking through headers to see what is being sent. Even something like AG- or AeroGear- would be better IMO than no prefix.

d'oh, +1 - thought I've typed it…

AG- looks nicer - less bandwidth ;)

-- qmx
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