I am a designer at the Open Source and Standards team at Red Hat. We help communities with various things.
The idea behind the change comes from the effort to split documentation into a separate site that focuses on being developer friendly and usable, and the main
aerogear.org would have more focus on showcase of the project.
The plan is to move the repo over to aerogear github organization eventually, but right now I am requesting help with the content, because I do not have much hands-on experience in AeroGear myself. My brief discussion on IRC also revealed that some of that content I took from the old site as a starting point is indeed old and no longer true.
What we have so far:
Front page:
- The two columns' wording is rough, but it tries to explain that we have a toolkit with different modules for mobile development with OpenShift / Kubernetes as the service platform.
- It also showcases the three featured modules and links to per-module pages that will explain a bit more of each.
Get Started:
- Getting Started is something I need help with. The process as far as I understand, involves your own private openshift instance and probably more things I am not aware of. My understanding is that the user will spin up the service catalog and start the aerogear service, then install the sdk and build an example application (probably push notifications) that you get up and running. There then needs to be a link for more examples covering the other modules on the new documentation site. This would be something we should try to make as easy as possible to get started, but the requirement of your own openshift kind of makes it quite a different scale than just installing a plugin on your android sdk and building an example app. Ideas are welcome :-)
- This link is currently broken as new docs are being split into docs.aerogear.org that does not yet exist.
- This is from the current site, and it is probably OK apart from the "Contributing to AeroGear" links that needs to be rewritten and link-fixed once the new docs are in place.
Module pages: These are under construction as well, whatever content there is is mostly from the existing site.
Any help with the content would be appreciated, both structural "flow" and spotting inaccuracies or problems. You can file github issues on the repository for example.
Thanks a lot for any time and effort you can spare on this.