// Create a New Data Sync Object
/* possibly more options here, like "auto-merge"
options = {
syncServerUrl: "link_to_sync_server",
autoMerge: false, //optional, defaults to false? Not sure this is the right spot for this, maybe should be in the update call
otheroptions: ....
// Probably have 3 Methods: read, save( Update ), remove
// each one has 2 parameters, the "document" and the settings
The document here is an object defined like in qmx's sync thought dump
var document = {
id: "123sjf2-i",
content: {
// Some Arbitrary JSON or an array or something serializable into JSON
rev: "SOME_REVISION_ID" // or rev_id or revision or revision_id, we can argue over names later
dataSync.read( document, settings );
var settings = {
success: function( document ){}, // GET the document
error: function( error ){} // an error happened GETting the document, like it can't be found or something
dataSync.save( document, settings );
document can be either an array or an object
if whatever is passed is in the form of the document specifed above, then save works as an "update"
var settings: {
autoMerge: // not sure if this should be here or in the constructor
success: function( document ){} // successful PUT to create the document or update the document,
conflict: function( error, current_model_from_server, delta_of_current_server_model_and_local_document ) // this delta thing should be nice and user friendly or something
SOME_OTHER_SPECIFIC_CALLBACK: function(){}, // Maybe other callbacks for specific events
error: function( error ){} // an error happened, catch-all ?
dataSync.remove( document, settings );