
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 2:02 PM, Summers Pittman <supittma@redhat.com> wrote:
As we mentioned in the meeting, we are having some blocking issues with
Travis and the build.  Basically running the emulator and the build uses
more than 3 GiB of memory that we get from the VM and it gets killed.
Passos and I are trying to refactor the build to get around this but it
is still being difficult.

In the meanwhile, dev must still go on (we've lost most of a week on
this issue).  We would like to shift the focus from fixing Travis to
getting our docs finalized and publishing a RC of AGDROID.  The only
difference between the RC and Final will be reliable continuous integration.


Summers Pittman
>>Phone:404 941 4698
>>Java is my crack.

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"The measure of a man is what he does with power" - Plato
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