Hi Matthias,

A minor instruction added https://github.com/aerogear/TODO/commit/add08cb6d7283ff2b30b8d13aecf04e4a9af2fd3


"The measure of a man is what he does with power" - Plato
Volenti Nihil Difficile

On Thursday, September 20, 2012 at 4:16 AM, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:


not sure, but somehow I think that the 'Reference' section in [1]
(Thanks for applying the grouping, Kris!) is missing a link to a
valid/proper settings.xml file...
I found the one at [2], doing some google fu...

I looked for this, because I could not build the TODO app's picketbox
branch. Not big deal, as it is a branch...

=> But not sure, I think a link to a 'common' settings.xml example is
nice, especially for new contributors etc... so that they have a
central example file, containing all the 'required' repos etc...



[1] http://staging-aerogear.rhcloud.com/docs/
[2] https://community.jboss.org/wiki/MavenSettingsExample-Users

Matthias Wessendorf

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