@Wei I think @Daniel point is that this is a trick/workaround. We wouldn't use this content provider to share anything but to call MobileCore.init only.



Red Hat 

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On 3 April 2018 at 11:16, Wei Li <weil@redhat.com> wrote:
By reading the document, it looks like "ContentProvider" is meant to provide some data for other applications. If we use it for initialising the SDK, what data will be provided to other apps? Is there any other negative side effects of using this approach?

On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 9:26 AM, Wojciech Trocki <wtrocki@redhat.com> wrote:
Great idea! 
This will allow SDK to be flexible, developer friendly and more aligned with typical Android patterns.

I don't think removing manual initialisation is too important

It will be just side effect after we move to use Android standards like `Content provider` etc.

On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 7:57 AM, Jose Miguel Gallas Olmedo <jgallaso@redhat.com> wrote:
I don't think removing manual initialisation is too important, I'd expect that from any other library. However auto-magic is way more elegant and user friendly, so +1 from me.

TL;DR what Firebase does is uses a Content Provide[1] (not really created for this) as a trick to initialize the lib before the app starts

Can you provide some reference for this?




Red Hat 

M: +34618488633    

On 29 March 2018 at 23:30, Daniel Passos <dpassos@redhat.com> wrote:


Revisiting some Google and Firebase stuff Summers and I realized the Firebase Android SDK doesn’t need we do any init to the lib starts/be configured.

TL;DR what Firebase does is uses a Content Provide[1] (not really created for this) as a trick to initialize the lib before the app starts

Why Content provider?

Because it has access to the applicationContext[2] and is called before all other Android kinds of stuff in the Android lifecycle (including Application)

I’d like to do the same for our Android SDK and initialize the lib using the same trick so we can provide a MobileCore.getInstance() already configured with all the things the developer needs (Logger, HttpLayer, Mobile Services info, etc…) without need to create an application class or call MobileCore.init(context) anywhere and kill all static methods we have today in MobileCore

It will also allow us to send the default metrics before the Android lifecycle starts the app and have some controls (when need) to know when the app is in background and foreground, listeners possible crashes and other things without the developer needs to call/configure anything.

PS: This is will probably be the first step to kill the responsibility to the MobileCore instantiate the Service Modules[3]

Any thoughts?

[1] https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html
[2] https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/ContentProvider.html#getContext()
[3] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AGDROID-796

-- Passos

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