On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 11:29 PM, Hylke Bons <hbons@redhat.com> wrote:

i was looking at this again and a question popped into my head.  Doesn't each variant need there own certificate/google key. 

So, for example, we have an "HR App",  this app has 3 variants
1. free version
2. paid version
3. some other really cool version

i'm assuming that should be 3 different certs/keys ( for development, another set for prod ). i'm not sure the wireframes represent this correctly

yes. the spec is indicating that!
Does the UI lead to confusion? 

In it's current wireframe form yes.  

But with this confirmation.  we should be good going forward

I don't see this in the spec.
Can you point me to the lines that mention this?


"There can be multiple variants for a Push Application (e.g. HR AndroidHR iPad,HR iPhone freeHR iPhone premium or HR Mobile Web). A Mobile Variant contains platform specific properties, such as aGoogle API key (Android) "

So... for me that is clear if I have:
* HR-iOS-Tablet free
* HR-iOS-Tablet paid
* HR-iOS-Phone free
* HR-Android-Phone paid
* HR-Android-Watch free

that every of these variants have different certs/keys (since they all do have different APP IDs in the appstore(s) as well)




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