On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Erik Jan de Wit <edewit@redhat.com> wrote:

Don't know what the content is of this file seems the https://github.com/jboss-mobile/unified-push-helloworld/pull/31 demo doesn't have this google-services.json

yes, that's correct. It's up to the developer to actually put the file into that "/app" folder. 

Would this work on Cordova too ? 
So the content would be app specific? Could you give an example?

yes, that's right. You download that form the Firebase console, specific for your Firebase project. It contains severval things, including the project number and also the server-side key (the one that we also enter in UPS)
We can put some dynamic stuff into the plugin, but it's kinda limited.

Could we do some 'magic' to make the plugin check that if the target is Android, it requires the JSON file 'somewhere'?
If present, the plugin would put the file into the app folder, if possible :)

I hope we can do without having cordova devs worry about the platform folder. 

I can see that fear, I am not really sure, all I know is that for native this needs to go into the app folder. I am not sure if there is a chance to launche FCM w/o that file and the google plugin.

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