+1 I am fully supporting that - I actually think it is a mistake that we did not have that done in the past (mainly due to the full profile usage - I can't figure out if that actually made sense...)
On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Lukáš Fryč <lukas.fryc@gmail.com> wrote:_______________________________________________Hey guys,we are working on a prototype of UPS that is leveraging JMS to send notifications to Push Networks.The requirement of JMS means we need to switch runtime requirement from WildFly web profile to WildFly full profile.i.e.: wildfly> ./bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xmlhttps://issues.jboss.org/browse/AGPUSH-1321 - Enable JMS for notification sendingEssentially JMS should allow us to* send notifications with higher confidence (per-message transaction guarantees)* allow configuration of throughput and timeout (we get it for free)* potentially it may even allow sending notifications in parallel in more threads or in a cluster of application servers (not an initial goal)All of these benefits could be hardly achieved without messaging.The feature request is elevated by AGPUSH-1320.If you have any concerns, let us know!Cheers,~ Lukas
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