This is great info!It's very similar to the part of the rationale for using lerna in RainCatcher, though the main points are the versioning of published npm packages and the symlinking for local development.I was wondering if there is a way to filter repositories form `mr run`, considering for example you could have registered other, non-apb repos under mr.It seems this is possible through a skip param that receives a bash command and passes the repository's name via $1.Looking at more of the documentation of both myrepos and repo it seems they support the notion of sharing the configuration file, so it might be worth looking into having i.e. a small repository/gist with an .mrconfig for the set of apb reposOn Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 8:10 AM, David Martin <> wrote:______________________________For future handiness,If you've already run 'mr register' in each of the cloned apb repos (e.g ), here's some commands to update the same file in each repo, and create a PR.In this case, it was updating the apb tools image name.# Checkout master, update it, then checkout a new branchmr run git checkout mastermr run git pull origin mastermr run git checkout -b update-apb-tools-image# Replace the image name in the Makefilemr run sed -i 's/ansibleplaybookbundle\/apb/ansibleplaybookbundle\/apb-too ls/' Makefile # Add, Commit and pushmr run git add Makefilemr run git commit -m "Update the apb image to use apb-tools"mr run git push origin update-apb-tools-image# Create the pull requestsmr run hub pull-request -b feedhenry:master -m "Update the apb image to use apb-tools".....--David MartinRed Hat MobileTwitter: @irldavemIRC: @irldavem (feedhenry, mobile-internal)_________________
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