Hey Luke,

ad) Variants

it would be ideal if we could just use the same variant!

ad) Compatibility

I would say we should preserve the compatibility with 1.x as long as it does not make much efforts to keep both supported.

If it would be too much hassle, let's remove it in 1.1.
Chrome is updated pro-actively anyway, so no one will hear about the old API in few months.


~ Lukas

On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Lucas Holmquist <lholmqui@redhat.com> wrote:

now that the 1.0.0-final is pretty much out for the UnifiedPush Server,  i’m starting to look at the new API that Chrome apps use for sending push notifications.

the TL;DR of it is,  it’s basically the same as Android now.( no more refresh tokens and access tokens and such )

So the question is,  do we need to have a deprecation period on what is currently there?

The v1 of the chrome pushMessaging api has become legacy and it is recommended to use the new stuff.  https://developer.chrome.com/apps/cloudMessagingV1

While i have looked to deeply,  it’s possible we can use the same “Variant” structure for Chrome Apps,  Since they will be using the same Network



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