Hi all!

The second month of GSoC is coming to an end and we wanted to give you a quick summary on what we’ve been working on since our last update:

1) We created a new Kafka module in the UPS for Kafka related configs and tests (#870
2) We’ve updated the README with instructions for running the Kafka cluster on Openshift using templates by the enmasse project (#862)
3) We’ve been playing around with Structure101 and SonarQube to analyse the UPS codebase. We’ve managed to get SonarQube running with JaCoCo code coverage reports and we’ve written a few blog posts on the topic as well. (#865, #866)
4) We’re still having issues with with the CDI consumer which will hopefully be resolved soon, now that Matthias is back
5) We’ve been researching security and streams and we’ve made a few Jira tickets under these epics
6) We’ve made a few small Jira’s for minor improvements in the UPS which we’ve labelled under gsoc_2017 and good_first_bug  

In the next few weeks we’ll be working on replacing the JMS messaging system with new Kafka producers and consumers. We’ve started defining new tasks under the two epics Kafka Push Messages and Kafka Push Metrics and we’ll be adding more as we progress.

As always we’ll be posting on our blogs, (https://polinankoleva.github.io, https://dimitraz.github.io/blog/) and we’ll try writing on here more frequently too.

We’d love to get your feedback on what we’ve done so far and what we’ll be doing in the upcoming weeks so please feel free to review past/current/future PRs. 
We’d really appreciate it :)
