On Jan 18, 2014, at 2:31 PM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc@gmail.com> wrote:

This sounds good. 

For 2.0, you speak about having our own AeroGear.Ajax(),
Well AeroGear.Ajax would only be an internal thing which pipeline and anything else that needed to talk to a server, like simplePush would use.  

do we also plan to rethink the concept of our pipeline ? There are some good stuff I really like , i.e the conventions for naming the endpoint, the save dealing with POST/PUT.

But in the same time I see all the frameworks like Ember or Angular having their own solution and when integrating AeroGear I wonder which one to use or why using one rather than the other.

I know that with sync, nice integrations are to come between pipes/datastore , maybe thinking on how we could integrate almost "transparently"  with this "uber cool" frameworks would help people adopting it.


On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 7:31 PM, Lucas Holmquist <lholmqui@redhat.com> wrote:

I was having some thoughts on the future of AeroGear.js that i needed to share.

Experimental Branch

I think i want to create a branch that is very experimental, that targets new and upcoming API's, like Object.Observe, and Promises, etc…

I feel this is the only way to drive innovation

I was thinking this is sort of our "Canary" branch, and when things start to become less pollyfilly, then we can start to move these features in.

I still however want the code in this branch to be complete, not just random crap


I would like to see that in 2.0 we start to remove our jQuery requirement, and focus more on Modern Browsers and have our 1.X branch be our less than modern browser( IE9 ) supported branch. much like how jQuery has a 1.X and 2.X branch, obviously the difference between our branches won't be as extreme.

The major thing we use jQuery for atm is jQuery.ajax and Promises. this is nice for cross broswer compatibility and for transpoting other things other than json, which brings me to my next point

I would also like in 2.0 to make our library( pipeline ) only speak json. I think this will make it really simple to have our own AeroGear.Ajax() method and be able to keep it small in size

1.X Branch

Once we hit all our 1.X milestones( sync, offline ) then what is the current master branch would become a 1.X branch, and we recieve bug fixes, but no new features. If something in the future could be back ported, then maybe, but it wouldn't be a priority

This branch would still have a jQuery requirement and would be for legacy stuff( IE9 )

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