abstractjOn Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew@apache.org> wrote:
right now we have a lot of different 'documentation files', like the README, some specs, and guides and tutorials.
I'd like to restructure that a bit and centralize the documentation a bit.
On the "push" landing page ([1]), I'd like to change the "Lean More" link to a new page that has all the UPS centric documentations
- AeroGear UnifiedPush Server User/Reference Guide
- Tutorials
AeroGear UnifiedPush Server User/Reference Guide
- Overview
- some generic information
- Installation and configuration
- what's needed (e.g. JBoss and a database)
- Running on OpenShift
- using the UI on OpenShift
- using the rhc command line
- Using the Admin UI
- doing an overhaul of our existing Admin UI guide (e.g. taking new screenshots and updating based on new UI features)
The format of the reference guide would be similar to the one from Keycloak ([2]). But... I will continue using asciidoc ;-)
The README will be extremely quick and simply link to the homepage ;-) After this new reference guide, I think some of the current specs can be removed, as the reference guide hopefully covers all of their content :-)
For the RESTful APIs, I have to look what Keycloak did to get something like:http://docs.jboss.org/keycloak/docs/1.0-beta-3/rest-api/overview-index.html
After the work as been completed, I will be revisiting the specs and evaluate their need ;-)
This section will contain links to all the different tutorials we have:
- http://aerogear.org/docs/guides/aerogear-push-ios/
- http://aerogear.org/docs/guides/aerogear-push-js/
- http://aerogear.org/docs/guides/aerogear-push-android/
- http://aerogear.org/docs/guides/aerogear-push-chrome/
- http://aerogear.org/docs/guides/GetStartedwithJavaSender/
For Cordova we will have one single document, instead of three:
- http://aerogear.org/docs/guides/aerogear-push-cordova-android/
- http://aerogear.org/docs/guides/aerogear-push-cordova-ios/
- http://aerogear.org/docs/guides/aerogear-cordova/AerogearCordovaPush/
There is already a JIRA for that ([4]).
To make it more clear (or clean?), I will remove the UPS/Push related docs from our guides ([3]) and replace all those links by a single link to the above mentioned new page (also referenced from [1]).
- [1] http://aerogear.org/push/
- [2] http://docs.jboss.org/keycloak/docs/1.0-beta-3/userguide/html/index.html
- [3] http://aerogear.org/docs/guides/
- [4] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AGPUSH-805
Matthias Wessendorf
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf
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