On 8 Jul,2014, at 9:24 , Matthias Wessendorf <matzew@apache.org> wrote:On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 9:16 AM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew@apache.org> wrote:
Hi,at the face2face we had a discussion about formalizing our release processes for non-java project.The Java guide is, IMO, still relevant and up-to-date:For the non-java projects I started a few gists* for Cordova and JavaScript, I think this could be used:+1 but we need also instructions on the release process on the cordova plugin repoisn't that just doing a TAG on our gh repo? If not, indeed, we would need this extra info in thereSo for Cordova there are 2 extra steps needed, change the version number in the plugin.xml file and push the plugin to plugins.cordova.io with plugman.And one more thing is update the site (aerogear.org) to change the download link
______________________________________________________________________________________________Note: I am not sure if some extra steps are missing for things like npm oe bower* for iOS, I think we can formalize on something like this:Greetings,Matthias--
Matthias Wessendorf
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf
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Matthias Wessendorf
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf
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