On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Bruno Oliveira <bruno@abstractj.org> wrote:
I think we can validate the whole example and check what’s missing and add PicketLink later. Do you think is a great idea to be “storage” agnostic?


On December 5, 2013 at 10:48:15 AM, Sebastien Blanc (scm.blanc@gmail.com) wrote:
> For first registrations, I presume it uses the same endpoint ? I'm thinking of this scenario : 

The same endpoint? Not following you on it.

I mean a user who make a request because he forgot his password and an admin creating a new user will use the same service as the result will be the same : the encrypted email

> - An admin creates a new users just by providing a loginName.
> - The backend creates the user and returns the url as explained above.
> - Admin sends the link to the user.

Here is the workflow which I really would like to change. When and admin sends the url to the user, we have some cons:

- We have no control over it, if the admin is just sending it without SSL or not. 
- An admin can generate thousands of urls
- The process is completely manual

+1 but putting aside the "console" this process his mainly the responsability of the admin, UPS "just" offers endpoints 

My suggestion is to implement something with <put your hipster framework to send e-mails here>. Make sense? I’m not saying this is a top huge priority, but necessary.

Indeed that will be the nicest but again there were already some discussions to have or not email functionality inside UPS  and as you say it's not the top prio for the 0.10.0 release.
For 0.10.0 the URI will just be returned to the admin, for future releases we could think of integrating that in UPS or calling a third service that handles the email. We have also to keep in mind that all this must work in a openshift instance (cartridge) 

> - User click the link and set his password.