
when looking into HTTP Basic/Digest for iOS, Christos noticed a problem with that, on the Controller demo (using AG-Security).

I have checked his issues and they are "visible" in cURL "environment" as well.

Steps to reproduce

Now some tests with BASIC (and the default user john:123):

curl -u "john:123" "http://localhost:8080/aerogear-controller-demo/autobots" -v

This works, as expected!

curl -u "john:007" "http://localhost:8080/aerogear-controller-demo/autobots" -v

This does NOT work, as expected!

Cookies ?

Christos and I noticed the server does return the Set-Cookie: response header, so the cookie can/will be stored on the client.

Now let's do this:

curl --basic -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -u john:123 \
"http://localhost:8080/aerogear-controller-demo/autobots" -v

Perfect, works as well

But now, let's do this:

curl --basic -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -u john:007 \
"http://localhost:8080/aerogear-controller-demo/autobots" -v

Unfortunatley, this works as well, since the session is reused, due to the cookies... So, when the session is stored on the client, it is possible to switch the credentials "on the fly".

Question / Comments

Ant thoughts on this ?

Matthias Wessendorf

blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf