
We currently have the following in our digger-jenkins repo[1]:
  • android-sdk docker image (which includes androidctl cli);
  • jenkins android slave image;
  • openshift templates;
  • some osx related scripts;
I wanted to automatically build/push the docker images to dockerhub after a PR is merged but I believe dockerhub has a "per repo" integration, which means that both images would be built/pushed every time we send a pr/commit into this repo.

Does anyone know if we can create a "per folder" integration where it detects Dockerfile changes per folder (if we change android-sdk dockerfile it should only build this image) and not re-build and re-push both images on every commit?

Other options would be:
  • Move those images to their own repo;
  • Create/host a jenkins instance somewhere so we can automate this workflow with custom scripts.


[1] - https://github.com/aerogear/digger-jenkins




Red Hat SP

lrossett@redhat.com    M: 11997030621