It is very good idea, and a nice way how to integrate with existing libraries.

It shields user from one round of conflict resolution handling.

I have created a small diagram to better understand that and it revealed one more fact:

As seen on the diagram, user would still have to Merge on the programmatic layer, where we could offer a DiffMatchPatch alghoritm,
and/or integration with selected existing libraries (e.g. AngularJS ResoureProvider or Restangular or similar Ember approach).

I believe we don't have to handle "I work for second and later requests" problem you mentioned in the blog, since I assume ServiceWorker will react on the REST calls from the application once it is registered (not sure that's the case). That's with a question mark. :-)

On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 6:15 PM, Daniel Bevenius <> wrote:
nice work!

måndag 5 januari 2015 skrev Lucas Holmquist <>:

Here is my blog post on using Service Workers for Conflict Resolution

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