On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 10:28 AM, Karel Piwko <kpiwko@redhat.com> wrote:

I'm trying to collect requirements for MongoDB usage in UPS. So far, I have
following list in mind:

1/ Drop-in replacement for JPA (avoiding two WARs if possible)

yeah, that would be best :-) 
2/ db integration on AS/WF/EAP (module)
3/ integration with OpenShift MongoDB gear


Additional interesting stuff I can think of:

* Enabled horizontal scaling for MongoDB instances
* transaction model Mongo vs JPA
* performance tests NoSQL vs SQL
* security model Mongo vs JPA
* combination of JPA + MongDB storages (JBoss Teiid)

+1 sounds pretty reasonable

If you have any ideas/requirements, please drop them here. I'm planning to use
your ideas to form a frame of a diploma thesis.

That's awesome!


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Matthias Wessendorf

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