Awesome news...but for those people with JBDS6

Attempting to use the Forge in JBDS6
***ERROR*** Exception encountered: Could not install plugin [org.jboss.forge.scaffold.html5.plugin-scaffold-html5] because it references Forge API version [1.2.0.Final] which may not be compatible with my current version [1.1.2.Final]. Please consider upgrading forge, by typing 'forge update'. Otherwise, try installing an older version of the plugin. (type "set VERBOSE true" to enable stack traces)

On Feb 15, 2013, at 11:15 AM, Sebastien Blanc wrote:

Hi all ! 
I'm pleased to announce that the first version of the Aerogear Scaffold Plugin for forge is available ! 
It's still an alpha but thanks to the excellent work and help from Vineet we have a working plugin : 

- CRUD Scaffolding based on your entities.
- One-to-one , many-to-one relation supported. 
- AngularJS and bootstrap responsive based.
- Aerogear Pipe and Store used.

There is still a lot to do but you can already play with it, a quickstart is available here and you should be able to create your first Aerogear App in 5 minutes ;)

An example of a generated application can also be found here : , please review the generated code (at least the JS and HTML) and report it to me and I will update the templates accordingly.

Next steps are : 
- Integrate Search feature (using the DataStore filter facilities)
- Integrate Aerogear Pagination (although generic pagination is present now)
- Integrate jQueryMobile (will probably be another plugin)

Enjoy ! 


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