The reason I would say we need this is that it would better match our other modular APIs and allow for easier creation, management and use of multiple messaging services. I'm imagining someone building a stock trading app that has a messaging system with their back end but they also want the app to subscribe to a stock ticker type messaging service. This would allow for a single point for managing those connections.On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:00 PM, Sebastien Blanc <> wrote:That looks great !Maybe one suggestion, like the PipeManager holds Pipe objecst and the DataStore hold Store objects, maybe the Notifier could hold Channels ?var myChannel = AeroGear.Notifier.addChannel(String channel);
You still want to give that 'channel' object a "notification listener:var myChannel = AeroGear.Notifier.addChannel(String channel, func callback);myChannel.onMessage(data);
that onMEssage would be only invoked by the 'underlying' app; Or what do you mean?You registered callback receives the payload/myChannel.publishMessage(data);
Usually it's nicer of the object just sets the 'channel' - even JMS does allow you this:, msg);And maybe pushing the concept further, the notifier could hold "clients" which holds channels ...Not really sure we need to build all this around it;Most libs (that we may wrap: vertx, stomp.js) don't do that... and we would add (I guess) un-needed API code…
On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <> wrote:
Today, I had a brief chat with Kris about a potential AeroGear Notifier Client API...
The basic idea is to wrap messaging APIs (e.g. Stomp.js, Vertx's eventbus or behind a common client 'interface'.
Basically the AeroGear-Notifier should be able to connect to a messaging system in order to subscribe to a channel to reveice messages from that channel. The AG-Notifier is also able to publish messages to ANY channel. Of course,unsubscribe and disconnect are required too...
Sure... the above is not (YET) really a SPEC, but it's start.... the JS API of the AG-Notifier (DRAFT 0.0.1) could looks like this:
/** * Connects to a given URL. The callback is invoked after a connection has been established. In case of an error, an Error * object will be passed to the callback */ AeroGear.Notifier.connect(String url, function callback); /** * Tears down the connection. The callback is invoked after a connection has been closed. In case of an error, an * Error object will be passed to the callback */ AeroGear.Notifier.disconnect(function callback); /** * Subscribes to a channel. The callback function is invoked for every message, received on the given channel. */ AeroGear.Notifier.subscribe(String channel, function callback); /** * Removes the subscription of the given channel. */ AeroGear.Notifier.unsubscribe(String channel); /** * Publishes a message to a given channel */ AeroGear.Notifier.publish(String channel, Object message);Perhaps a STATE-MASHINE would be nice as well:
AeroGear.Notifier.CONNECTING = 0; AeroGear.Notifier.OPEN = 1; AeroGear.Notifier.CLOSING = 2; AeroGear.Notifier.CLOSED = 3;Implementation of the Adapters
The different adapter implementations will be done separately:ag-notifier-vertx.js
...Thoughts ?
Matthias Wessendorf
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