For future handiness,

If you've already run 'mr register' in each of the cloned apb repos (e.g, here's some commands to update the same file in each repo, and create a PR.
In this case, it was updating the apb tools image name.

# Checkout master, update it, then checkout a new branch
mr run git checkout master
mr run git pull origin master
mr run git checkout -b update-apb-tools-image

# Replace the image name in the Makefile
mr run sed -i 's/ansibleplaybookbundle\/apb/ansibleplaybookbundle\/apb-tools/' Makefile

# Add, Commit and push
mr run git add Makefile
mr run git commit -m "Update the apb image to use apb-tools"
mr run git push origin update-apb-tools-image

# Create the pull requests
mr run hub pull-request -b feedhenry:master -m "Update the apb image to use apb-tools"

David Martin
Red Hat Mobile
Twitter: @irldavem
IRC: @irldavem (feedhenry, mobile-internal)