MetricsCollector misbehaves when all VariantMetricInformation are processed before all BatchLoaded or AllBatchesLoaded events are de-queued.
In that case, following checks are never performed: totalBatches == servedBatches and serverVariants == totalVariants.
In that case, VariantCompleted and PushMessageCompleted events are never fired and PushMessageInformation#servedVariants counter is never equal to PushMessageInformation#totalVariants (which is why UI still shows message is Pending).
There are two solutions:
1) schedule (or somehow else trigger) collector of BatchLoaded / AllBatchesLoaded events,
2) refactor metric collection logic so that it is triggered externally in cycles until everything is processed
this involves new CollectTriggerQueue that is used to store a "request for metrics processing"
will allow us to update metrics more efficiently since one update cycle will cover not only several BatchLoaded events but also several VariantMetricInformation events
See diagram for more clarity: