Spike 2 - Investigate how a custom query/mutation can be realised - This functionality could be realised by the use of 'functions' (as Graphcool x does), but that means the user has to write actual code. The investigation here is more so, is there a middle ground for realising a resolver and what is that? - the CRUD resolvers which are generated will be read only - the ability of a user to create their own custom query/mutation is the ask here - what will the user write their resolver for this custom query/mutation in? In SQL or in some DSL (template language, e.g. what Prisma x uses).
- basic flow of how a custom query/mutation can be created by a user - what options exist for defining the resolver for the custom query/mutation, i.e. what language will it be written in - advs/disadvs of each alternative (if alternatives exist at all) to aid decision making. Please consider the end user here and the value which they may or may not gain. |