Hi [~weil],
I re-tried it now. The problem is OCP 3.11 recognize the ingress resource as a route when it is created without the host IP.
Following the result of the tests performed.
h4. Ingress created without the HOST info with the values of the master VIP.
{code:java} camilamacedo@Camilas-MacBook-Pro ~/go/src/github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service-operator (WATCH) $ kubectl get ingress NAME HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE mobile-security-service-app * 80 4m camilamacedo@Camilas-MacBook-Pro ~/go/src/github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service-operator (WATCH) $ kubectl describe ingress mobile-security-service-app Name: mobile-security-service-app Namespace: mobile-security-service-operator Address: Default backend: mobile-security-service-app:3000 ( Rules: Host Path Backends ---- ---- -------- * / mobile-security-service-app:3000 ( Annotations: Events: <none> {code}
!Screenshot 2019-04-18 at 16.36.23.png|thumbnail!
h4. Ingress created with the HOST info with the values of the master VIP.
{code:java} $ kubectl get ingress NAME HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE mobile-security-service-app mobile-security-service-app-mobile-security-service-operator. 80 11s camilamacedo@Camilas-MacBook-Pro ~/go/src/github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service-operator (WATCH) $ kubectl describe ingress mobile-security-service-app Name: mobile-security-service-app Namespace: mobile-security-service-operator Address: Default backend: mobile-security-service-app:3000 () Rules: Host Path Backends ---- ---- -------- mobile-security-service-app-mobile-security-service-operator. / mobile-security-service-app:3000 () Annotations: Events: <none> camilamacedo@Camilas-MacBook-Pro ~/go/src/github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service-operator (WATCH) $ {code}
!Screenshot 2019-04-18 at 16.38.52.png|thumbnail!
h4. Why I not would not like to use the OCP API and create a route instead of an ingress resource ?
* The route is a resource valid just for OCP and not kubernetes. It will make the project so long not supported by Kubernetes as well. * The OCP is going forward to make its resources and use the Kubernetes one. So, if we use the kubernetes API it shows that should work perfectly well in the OCP 4 and in the future versions, however, we cannot say the same over another way around. c/c [~lfitzgerald] [~endaphelan] [~damurphy] [~austincunningham] [~dffrench] |