!Screenshot from 2018-05-02 10-26-14.png|thumbnail!
In this screenshot, I can see there are 2 annotations. As you said in AEROGEAR-2644, we can show the links using the annotations.
I have 2 questions: 1. Are these annotations used else where? Can I just change them as I like?
2. What do you have in your mind? First thing that I can think of is a very generic thing like creating bunch of annotations: * mobile/link/ios-variant/label: IOS Variant * mobile/link/ios-variant/url: https://bla.com/the-variant * mobile/link/android-variant/label: Android Variant * mobile/link/android-variant/url: https://bla.com/the-variant2 Then in the UI code, we can check: * If the secret has label mobile=enabled * Read annotations starting with mobile/link and create a <label-link> map * Show each item in that map as a link
Do you mean something like this? If am not understanding it very wrong, I will send a mail to the ML and get K8s experts' opinion. |