h1 . h2 Platforms
* Native Mobile (iOS, Android, React Native) * Web Apps (JavaScript)
h1 . h2 Features & API
* specify data requirements with code statements (graphql), using the console editor * only needed data is fetched * auto update data in app in realtime * data can be added & updated locally while offline * updates data for offline uses as soon as reconnect * integration with Amazon Cognito & AWS IAM for setting fine grained permissions on graphql operations ** OIDC token based ** authz based on fields e.g. only author can update * data stored in DynamoDB * AWS Lambda functions can be triggered * Run elasticsearch queries on the data * auto resolve conflicts (default rules & define own business logic via Lambda) * API Key, IAM, Cognito & OpenID Connect https://docs.aws.amazon.com/appsync/latest/devguide/security.html * logs can be viewed in the web consoel & written to CloudWatch https://docs.aws.amazon.com/appsync/latest/devguide/monitoring.html#cwl * default metrics for Latency, 4XX & 5XX errors https://docs.aws.amazon.com/appsync/latest/devguide/monitoring.html#cw-metrics
h1 . h2 GraphQL & Querying
* not a graph DB * db could be anything e.g. mongodb, mysql, dynamodb * client sends its request 1 time, parses it and fetches/returns the data to the client in 1 round trip * model the data and app state of what you need to arrive at * define a schema defintion language (SDL) e.g. * benefits ** Type introspection https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_introspection *** ability of a program to examine the type or properties of an object at runtime *** A.instance_of?, a.class, A > B, B <= B ** rapid prototyping ** co-location of data requirements & app views (impl isn't encoded in the server) ** data behaviour control (batching, request/response & real-time) ** bandwidth optimisation * integrates with apollographql client (plugins for platforms) ** JS for mobile web & hybrid (react native/ionic) ** offline support (automatically persisted data for queries) ** read & write to local disk (dep on platform), fetch to server happens async (no latency from App pov) (Optimistic UI) ** can add a callback for the fetch * Event driven (handshake auth) for graphQL subscriptions * auto websocket negotiation * aws-amplify https://github.com/aws/aws-amplify ** js lib for frontend & mobile dev (for JS frameworks & React + React Native) ** Authentication (OOB uses cognito) ** Analytics ** API ** Storage ** Cache * example schema available when creating an API via the console * aws_subscibe to trigger notification to clients * starter apps e.g ** git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-mobile-appsync-events-starter-android ** download AppSync.json file ** download graphql schema (.json or .graphql) * Get an API URL & API Key (7 days valid, can be extended to 365 days) * subscriptions listen for changes to a specific resource * Java src is generated based on schema & events.graphql, allowing code completion when querying, mutating or subscribing * uses MQTT over websocket * each subscription has its own client (MqttSubscriptionClient)
User defined type. (types of Mutation (change) Subscription (subscribe to data)) {noformat} type Query { getTodos: [Todo] }
type Todo { id: ID! name: String description: String priority: Int duedate: String } { / noformat}
Query sent over network (client requests the shape of the data it wants) {noformat} query { getTodos { id name priority } } { / noformat}
Only requested data is returned: {noformat} { "id": "1", "name": "Get Milk", "priority": "1" }, { "id": "2", "name": "Go to gym", "priority": "5" },... { / noformat}
Example client init {noformat} const client = new AWSAppSyncClient({ url: awsconfig.ENDPOINT, region: AWS.config.region, auth: { type: AUTH_TYPE.AWS_IAM, credentials: Auth.currentCredentials() } });
const WithProvider = () => ( <ApolloProvider client={client}> <Rehydrated> <AppWithData /> </Rehydrated> </ApolloProvider> ); { / noformat}
Example Optimistic UI {noformat} options: { fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network' // rather than just network to allow cache first read/write }, props: (props) => ({ onAdd: post => props.mutate({ optimisticResponse: () => ({ addPost: { __typename: 'Post', content: 'New data!', version: 1, ...post} }), }) }), update: (dataProxy, {data: {addPost}}) => { const data = dataProxy.readQuery({AllPostsQuery}); data.posts.push(addPost); dataProxy.writeQuery({AllPostsQuery, data}); } { / noformat}