iPad (iOS 5.1): 1 - Logout / account management dropdown is overlapped by navigation panel.
iPhone (iOS 7) and Android 4.1 phone: 2 - Contents of ups-tip-panel overlap when scrolling horizontally 3 - In create/edit application/variant forms, the inputs take the whole width of the modal window, which doesn't look good. See remove application/variant dialog for comparison. 4 - The logout / account management cannot be accessed on a phone. The menu button doesn't do anything 5 - Create application button overlaps with the first application in the application list. 6 - Add variant dialog is not displayed correctly - apart from issue 3, the variant type radios are not centered. iOS passphrase input is too wide and doesn't fit in the dialog.
iPhone (iOS 7) only: 7 - The dashboard is not aligned properly - some items fit on the same line, some do not.