Should we remove but recorId ot by object?
makes sense and fir with other AG libs.
2013-11-26T10:15:10 <corinnekrych> writing documentation for SQL cookbook cvasilak I bumped into a question why do we have read:recordId and remove:record in the case of the remove we give the object whether in the read we give the id of the object cvasilak
2013-11-26T10:15:30 <edewit> corinnekrych: cvasilak: found it you need to use lipo to merge the phone and simulator libs together
2013-11-26T10:15:31 *** stianst <stianst!> has joined #aerogear
2013-11-26T10:15:32 <corinnekrych> besides checking android lib they use id in both method cvasilak
2013-11-26T10:15:43 <corinnekrych> do you know why we've got this difference?
2013-11-26T10:25:14 <cvasilak> corinnekrych: it was refactored a while ago by matzew to match the Pipe protocol where in there remove takes as an argument the object
2013-11-26T10:25:15 <jbossbot> git [aerogear-ios] 3147807.. Matthias Wessendorf API change on the AGStore remove, to match the AGPipe protocol; Added new tests for changed behavior