h3. List of flaws found in the docs
1. Update *Table 1. Configuration* in https://docs.aerogear.org/aerogear/latest/data-sync.html#provisioning-data-sync-service with the new params that were added to APB lately: https://github.com/aerogearcatalog/data-sync-apb/blob/ce809114572d9063b01b8bbdd710a8b270fd62bd/apb.yml#L48-L59 2. Docs should mention that when working with OpenShift with self-signed certificate, user must add {{NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = 0}} environment variable to deployment config of data-sync-server, otherwise the Keycloak-protected Data Sync won't work - the playground will be unavailable 3. Missing documentation for in-memory resolvers. there should be at least name of db used (nedb - https://github.com/louischatriot/nedb) and link to it or to some examples 4. Doc should mention that, before executing `oc describe dc postgres-data-sync -n <myproject> | grep POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD` the user should wait for the database provisioning to end 5. In prerequisites for installing mobile services, it says oc v3.9 or later (https://docs.aerogear.org/aerogear/latest/getting-started.html#prerequisites). This is wrong, oc v3.10 will fail. 6. Android code examples - https://github.com/aerogear/mobile-docs/pull/455 |