We currently have code coverage reporting set up using coveralls.io. This worked for some time but now It's [constantly failing|https://circleci.com/gh/aerogear/data-sync-server/481].
There is a command in package.json called test:cover which uses nyc to run the tests and pipes the output into coveralls. Perhaps, there is a way to fix the coveralls setup, or perhaps we could move to codecov.io. See nyc's docs on codecov integration here: https://github.com/istanbuljs/nyc#integrating-with-codecov
One of the following should be done:
* Fix coveralls integration * Replace coveralls with codecov.io
Both of these options are equally as good as each other so it's up to the asignee to choose.
CircleCI is already set up to run the test:cover command so there is no work do be done on that end so long as your solution fits into that same command. |