h4. What * In the MSS and BIND CR has are specifying the cluster host spec which needs to be configured manually by the users. The idea is to use the shell script to replace this value automatically when the make command is executed or make it be obtained in the code impl by kubernetes api (preferable by ks8 api) * remove Do not forget to update the step "configuring" from the readme h4. Why Make easier to use it and do changes. The users should not care about this setup at all
h4. How - Run the command "kubectl cluster-info" and get the IP - Then Replace the value "{{clusterHost}}" in the file mobile-security-service_v1alpha1_mobilesecurityservice_cr.yaml by the "IP" obtained CRs files E.g Place: /mobile-security-service-operator/deploy/crds/mobile-security-service_v1alpha1_mobilesecurityservice_cr.yaml |