✓ Wildcard DNS Host check passed. |
Performing clean and running the installer ... |
INFO: You might be prompted for your System Admin Password(root/sudo). |
Password: |
Installing roles from /Users/psturc/work/aerogear/mobile-core/installer/roles |
- downloading role 'openshift-origin-client-tools', owned by andrewrothstein |
- downloading role from https://github.com/andrewrothstein/ansible-openshift-origin-client-tools/archive/v1.0.7.tar.gz |
- extracting openshift-origin-client-tools to /Users/psturc/work/aerogear/mobile-core/installer/roles/openshift-origin-client-tools |
- openshift-origin-client-tools (v1.0.7) was installed successfully |
- adding dependency: andrewrothstein.unarchive-deps (v1.0.9) |
- adding dependency: andrewrothstein.alpine-glibc-shim (v2.0.5) |
- downloading role 'install_socat', owned by aerogear |
- downloading role from https://github.com/aerogear/install-socat/archive/v1.0.0.tar.gz |
- extracting install-socat to /Users/psturc/work/aerogear/mobile-core/installer/roles/install-socat |
- install-socat (v1.0.0) was installed successfully |
- downloading role 'unarchive-deps', owned by andrewrothstein |
- downloading role from https://github.com/andrewrothstein/ansible-unarchive-deps/archive/v1.0.9.tar.gz |
- extracting andrewrothstein.unarchive-deps to /Users/psturc/work/aerogear/mobile-core/installer/roles/andrewrothstein.unarchive-deps |
- andrewrothstein.unarchive-deps (v1.0.9) was installed successfully |
- downloading role 'alpine-glibc-shim', owned by andrewrothstein |
- downloading role from https://github.com/andrewrothstein/ansible-alpine-glibc-shim/archive/v2.0.5.tar.gz |
- extracting andrewrothstein.alpine-glibc-shim to /Users/psturc/work/aerogear/mobile-core/installer/roles/andrewrothstein.alpine-glibc-shim |
- andrewrothstein.alpine-glibc-shim (v2.0.5) was installed successfully |
✓ Roles installed with success. |
Installing Mobile Services ... |
✓ OpenShift client tool installed with success. |
It may take few minutes ... / |
ERROR: Unable to install the Mobile Services. |
ERROR: For further information use the --debug option to execute this installation.