Hi Team, After successful login from safari back on app Not able to get the AccessToken and RefreshToken. let keycloakConfig = KeycloakConfig( clientId: "clientId name", host: "http://host:9090", realm: "realm name", isOpenIDConnect: true) let oauth2Module = AccountManager.addKeycloakAccount(config: keycloakConfig) self.keycloakHttp.authzModule = oauth2Module keycloakConfig.webView = .safariViewController // DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async{ DispatchQueue.main.async { oauth2Module.login {(accessToken: AnyObject?, claims: OpenIdClaim?, error: NSError?) in print(accessToken.debugDescription) print(claims?.description as Any) print(error.debugDescription) } } // } Please guide the flow to get the access token. |