Just saw this issue and FYI, I have done something similar as well. I have deployed mds to this openshift 4 cluster using the upstream installer: https://console-openshift-console.apps.weil.cloudservices.rhmw.io. There are 2 issues I have discovered: 1. The previous default version of the oauth-proxy doesn't support openshift 4. Since then I have updated the upstream installer to use the latest version and it works fine. 2. MDC doesn't work due to CORS issue. Unfortunately it doesn't supported by 4.1 at least, and looks like it should be fixed in 4.2. However, after discussion with Craig Brookes we feel like we should just add a proxy server in MDC so that we don't need to make the CORS changes at all. A jira issue is created: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AEROGEAR-10028?filter=-2, and I think Massimo will look into it soon. |