Update the APB to add a de-provision phase
h2. Why After CI|CD is provisioned it allocated resources which should be released or removed after user wants to deprovision it When new APB is provisioned same namespace could be used and no collisions of resources should happen
h3. How - delete route ||Name||Hostname||Service||Target Port||TLS Termination|| |jenkins|https://jenkins-test4.|jenkins|x|Edge| - delete services ||Name||Cluster IP||External IP||Ports||Selector||Age|| |jenkins||none|80/TCP|name=jenkins|a day| |jenkins-jnlp||none|50000/TCP|name=jenkins|a day| - delete deployment configs ||Name||Last Version||Status||Created||Trigger|| |android-sdk|#1|Active, 1 replica|a day ago|Config change| |jenkins|#1|Active, 1 replica|a day ago|Config change| - delete secrets ||Name||Type||Created|| |aerogear-digger|Opaque|a day ago| - delete configmaps ||Name||Created||Labels|| |android|a day ago|role: jenkins-slave| |android-proxy| a day ago |app:android-sdk-persistent;template:android-sdk-persistent-template| - delete pv_claims ||Name||Status||Capacity||Access Modes||Age|| |android-sdk|Bound to volume pv0068|100 GiB|RWO (Read-Write-Once)|a day| |jenkins|Bound to volume pv0059|100 GiB|RWO (Read-Write-Once)|a day| - delete serviceaccounts serviceaccounts/ android-sdk serviceaccounts/ jenkins - delete rolebindings ||Name||Roles|| |android-sdk|edit| |jenkins|edit| |