Verification steps 1. Ensure you have your openshift cluster up and running 2. Delete your admin user `oc delete user admin` 3. Delete your asb namespace `oc delete project ansible-service-broker` 4. Check out this branch and run the playbook `ansible-playbook ./installer/playbook.yml -e "dockerhub_username=$DOCKERHUB_USERNAME" -e "dockerhub_password=$DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD" -e "dockerhub_org=$DOCKERHUB_ORG" --ask-become-pass` 5. There should be no errors logged in the output 6. Check that the admin user was created `oc get user admin` 7. Check that the ansible-service-broker project exists `oc get project ansible-service-broker` 8. Re-run the playbook and check that there is no errors and that the admin and asb project still exist |