h1. UPS Android Service
Add ups android service support in "service" subcommand.
h2. Init
Initializes a unified push android variant resource locally saving the keycloakrealm cr locally in .ag folder.
*Command:* ag service init ups $platform
$platform can be either " android " or "ios", both should be implemented as subcommands as each platform has its own set of of unique parameters.
*Android Parameters:*
||Name||Type||Description||Default|| |server-key|string|FCM server apu key|required user input| |sender-id|string|FCM sender id|required user input|
Note: $appname should be retrieved from the already created mobileclient resource.
h2. Delete
Deletes an auth service.
*Command:* ag service delete $name
"$name" being the service unique name (.metadata.name).