Hi @folks,
I made a PR for the operator-SDK framework in order to allow us to solve it. Following the PR. * https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk/pull/1388
Also, I already spoke with the operators-sdk maintainers and they told that in a week the controller-runtime will be released as a stable version then we can just bump in the above PR and merge it. They need wait to pass the code-freeze for OCP 4.1 too (wed) .
*So, it means that in +/- a week 1 or 2 weeks we will be able to merge it and have the impl which will allow us to attend this need in the proper way. *
When the PR for the operator-sdk be merged the following PR to attend this need in the MSS-operator should work. https://github.com/aerogear/mobile-security-service-operator/pull/61
For now, this task is block blocked until it is the solution in the operator-sdk project be merged and we are able to get it. {color:red}( No additional actions are required so far ){color}
[~peter.braun] note that our problem should have a solution soon ;-)
c/c [~dffrench] [~peter.braun] [~chrisfoley] [~weil] |