my name is Federico Cerminara, 35 years old, engineer and web developer in
I’m a beginner in cross platform app development and I’ve started using
aerogear cordova push plugin to enable reception of push notification.
I’ve developed my first app. I’m able to receive correctly push notification,
both sending them directly by aerogear admin panel after choosing a variant and
and sending them from the application backend following a custom logic. If I
have my app closed or already open, clicking on push notification seems to
behave correctly, bringing user to application first page. Instead, if I try to
close all my applications after receiving one or more push notification (image
notification frequency is quite low) and then I try to click on my waiting
push, application crashes showing a message that sound quite like this “The
program <app_name> has been interrupted”
Can you
tell me a way to solve this problem?
Thanks anyway, Federico.