On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 4:11 PM, Thomas Schweitzer <thomers@me.com> wrote:

On 09.12.2014, at 16:02, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew@apache.org> wrote:

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 3:11 PM, Thomas Schweitzer <thomers@me.com> wrote:
Follow up question - could the “INVALID_TOKEN” problem also result from a production token from another app?

yes, that's the case too. It's an invalid token for the underlying certificate from apple.

Ok, thought so. Thanks for the clarification.

The reason I’m asking is that I deleted all the development tokens from the DB, but still couldnt receive a push message on a device.

But I know that I’m sending push registrations to the production variant not just from the “Free” version of my app (using the correct “Free” variant ID and key), but also from the “Paid” version (incorrectly using the “Free" variant ID and key). Since I do not know the tokens sent from the “Paid” version, I cannot disable them.

I understand that you do not want to delete them. However, the 'didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken' method is always invoked when the application is launched - you will get back all your tokens, eventually ;-)

It’s not that I do not want to delete them - I just don’t think I can determine which ones are the invalid ones (?), since the “Paid” version is live in the app store as well, and I do not know which devices are running it. (I do not care about sending pushes to the few “Paid” installations,

Ok, let's see what we can do here.
paid and free (both are backed by PRODUCTION Apple certs) are on the same variant? is the free one on the app-store too? Do you care about the 'free', or do you only care about the 'paid' version ? 

and I didn’t bother taking out the code to register the device token with the wrong variant/key, assuming it would not cause me any problems - duh ;-)).

but it is :-) The real "problem" with the registration against the 'wrong' variant is, that well, they are different app-ids and apple certs


Could this be the reason why I’m not receiving pushes?

Since I’m using the OpenShift cartridge - what’s the best way how to proceed? Can I change the “withNoErrorDetection” of ApnsService somehow?

Do you know what exact version of the UPS you are running on Openshift? I am asking, because you could build the UPS yourself and simply replace the WAR file. 
But we before we do that, let's make sure we are all on the same page

I havent changed anything since I restarted the OpenShift application last month (see http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/aerogear-users/2014-November/000020.html )

The OpenShift console shows

AeroGear Push Server 1.0.0, MySQL 5.5, phpMyAdmin 4.0

Ok, thanks

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