Hi, recently I've updated to 2.0.4 cordova plugin and I noticed that lot of times notifications are not displayed. Others the notifications are displayed multiple times in the bar but it was only sent once, and others times are shown with some older that I've already received. Any suggestion to find what's happening?

Things already detected: If APP is closed I've see the notification with "1" number. If opened I see it with an "8" .



Following the stacktrace of the last message sent: http://pastebin.com/FtFr6fbc




Alexandre Ballesté Crevillén alexandre.balleste at udl.cat
Universitat de Lleida

Àrea de sistemes d'Informació i Comunicacions


University of Lleida

Information and Communication Systems Service

Tlf: +34 973 702148

Fax: +34 973 702130


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