On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 1:10 PM, Yoann Archambault <ya@sherpa-solutions.com> wrote:

We migrated to Aerogear recently and now that our app is live, we are seeing 1000s of established TCP connections coming from our devices (Average of 1.5 connection per remote IP).

I would expect the SDK to create a connection to register and the close it. Same for the "opened" metrics request.

I've had to increase the maximum number of opened file descriptors for the wildfly user but i don't see this as a proper long term solution.

Or am i missing something and somehow this is the expected behavior?

This isn't expected behavior.  Do you have a public repository we can take a look at?  We've never seen this behavior before.

- Aerogear server version is 1.1.3.Final
- Although i am unable to confirm 100%, i think this issue happens on both ios and android SDKs.

What version of the client SDKs are you using?

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