Hello AeroGear dev‘s,


I’m currently evaluating the AeroGear Unified Push Server in a pre-production environment (RedHat JBoss EAP 6.4.4) and I’m facing an issue with an idle database transaction, which is executed every time the app is deployed (or the JBoss Server is started).


I’m using Postgresql 9.3 as the database backend.


The idle process listed in ps aux:

postgres: keycloak keycloak idle in transaction


The transaction seems to hang at this SQL statement:

select authentica0_.REALM_ID as REALM_ID4_28_1_, authentica0_.ID as ID1_3_1_, authentica0_.ID as ID1_3_0_, authentica0_.ALIAS as ALIAS2_3_0_, authentica0_.PROVIDER_ID as PROVIDER3_3_0_, authentica0_.REALM_ID as REALM_ID4_3_0_ from AUTHENTICATOR authentica0_ where authentica0_.REALM_ID=$1


The query results nothing, as you can see below:

select * from AUTHENTICATOR;

id | alias | realm_id | provider_id


(0 rows)


Can you guys please help me identifying this issue?


Kind regards,


Marius Schellenberger